DataWeb Dynamics, Inc.
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Our Technology

Technologies and Information
Summary: DataWeb Dynamics has developed a powerful Internet solution for the packaged travel industry. Our service combines a custom web site designed for your business with web site administration software, called WebArc. WebArc allows you to input itineraries, feature lists, schedule departure dates, build custom packages, monitor your web site's activity and much more. Ultimately, WebArc gives you complete control over virtually every detail on your web site.

* Our technology lays the groundwork for eCommerce.
* Our solution provides for transaction processing over secure connections if desired.
* WebArc automatically builds a customer database as brochures, catalogs and information are requested over the web and as reservations are processed.
* This customer database can be used to market directly to these customers via email newsletters and marketing campaigns.

Cost Effective
Our Application Service Provider (ASP) business model is cost-effective. Unlike conventional web design companies who charge large up-front development fees and then go away, we provide a service for which we bill a monthly service fee. We want to be your partner in marketing your tours on the Internet for a long, long time.

Design Expertise
  • We employ a staff of talented graphic designers that work with tour and motorcoach operators everyday.
  • We have an extensive library of travel photography. We have recently invested in even more images of travel destinations, students and youth activities (for custom student/youth travel) and people.
  • Your web site can be designed into separate sub-web sites to target different audiences. For example, a separate sub-web site area for retail travel packages, a separate sub-web site for student travel, a separate sub-web site for charter operators and a separate sub-web site for custom groups. Each sub-web site can have graphics that target a specific market. Why? Because an average high school band director doesn't care about a tour to Palm Springs and your average mature traveler isn't interested in a student tour to Orlando.

  • Internet Marketing Analysis
    The beauty of Internet marketing is the ability to collect and analyze the surfing patterns of your customers and visitors. WebArc has reporting capabilities on virtually every web page visited. Running totals of each travel package viewed is stored. Each itinerary page viewed is stored. Even each page of marketing copy viewed and general information pages viewed are counted for analysis. A snapshot of this data is then periodically stored. A report is available to view the activity over time. This data can be used for trend analysis.

    Call Toll-Free at 1-866-743-0094
    4400 1st Ave. NE, Ste 400, Cedar Rapids, IL 52402
    © Copyright March 12, 2025 DataWeb Dynamics,Inc. All rights reserved.